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FHIR to OMOP CDM Mappings

This document shows how FHIR resources and OMOP CDM can be mapped. Please note that the work is still in progress. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Please contact us at ** if you are willing to make contributions to this project.


The following table shows basic mappings between FHIR DSTU2 resources and OMOP CDM v5 mapping.

OMOP v5   FHIR DSTU2    
Table: care_site Note Resource: Organization Note  
care_site_id   id    
care_site_name   name    
place_of_service_concept_id Vocabulary type of “Place of Service” in Concept Table. This is CMS Place of Service code. type    
location_id location Table. For updating and writing, full searching for a match must be done. address Complex Date Type: Address  
Table: concept where vocabulary_id = ‘RxNorm’ Note Resource: Medication Note  
concept_id   id    
vocabulary_id, concept_name, concept_code vocabulary: vocabulary_id is used for system URI mapping. We have manual mapping from id to FHIR system URI. In FHIR, concept_name = display, concept code = code code Complex Data Type: CodeableConcept  
concept_name, domain_id, concept_class_id, standard_concept, vocabulary_id, concept_code, valid_start_date, valid_end_date Get string/text version of this information narrative Just for human readable version  
Table: condition_occurrence Note Resource: Condition Note  
condition_occurrence_id   id    
person_id person Table. patient Resource Reference  
visit_occurrence_id visit_occurrence Table encounter Resource Reference  
condition_type_concept_id concept Table. Complaint <-> Patient self-reported. Others will be EHR Problem List. category CodeableConcept (FHIR’s)  
provider_id provider Table practitioner Resource Reference  
condition_concept_id concept Table. concept_code (code), concept_name (display), vocabulary_id (vocabulary table – need to convert to system URI) code Complex Data Type: CodeableConcept  
condition_start_date, condition_end_date   onset[x] If condition_end_date is null, then onsetDateTime. If both dates are available, then onsetPeriod  
    verificationStatus This is required field. We have no mapping from OMOP table. This is hardcoded to CONFIRMED  
Table: drug_exposure where drug_type_concept_id = 38000177 or “Prescription written” Note Resource: MedicationOrder Note  
drug_exposure_id   id    
person_id person Table. patient Resource Reference  
drug_exposure_start_date   dateWritten, dispenseRequest.validityPeriod.start    
drug_exposure_end_date   dispenseRequest.validityPeriod.end    
days_supply   dispenseRequest.validityPeriod.end?? validityPeriod.start+days_supploy = validityPeriod.end??  
drug_concept_id concept Table. concept_code (code), concept_name (display), vocabulary_id (vocabulary table – need to convert to system URI) medication[x], dispenseRequest.medication[x] Complex Data Type: medicationCodeableConcept  
refills   dispenseRequest.numberOfRepeatsAllowed    
quantity   dispenseRequest.quantity    
visit_occurrence_id visit_occurrence Table encounter Resource Reference  
provider_id provider Table prescriber Resource (Practitioner) Reference  
effective_drug_dose concept table for unit doseInstructions.doseQuantity    
Table: drug_exposure where drug_type_concept_id = 38000176 or 38000175 Or “Prescription dispensed *“ Note Resource: MedicationDispense Note  
drug_exposure_id   id    
person_id person Table. patient Resource Reference  
drug_concept_id concept Table. concept_code (code), concept_name (display), vocabulary_id (vocabulary table – need to convert to system URI) medication[x] Complex Data Type: medicationCodeableConcept  
drug_exposure_start_date   whenPrepared    
quantity, dose_unit_concept_id concept table for unit quantity    
days_supply   daysSupply    
Table: drug_exposure where drug_type_concept_id = 38000179 or 43542356 or 43542357 or 43542358 Or “Physician administered drug *“ Note Resource: MedicationAdministration Note  
drug_exposure_id   id    
person_id person Table. patient Resource Reference  
drug_concept_id concept Table. concept_code (code), concept_name (display), vocabulary_id (vocabulary table – need to convert to system URI) medication[x] Complex Data Type: medicationCodeableConcept  
stop_reason and/or drug_exposure_start(end)_date Use these fields to guess what to put in the status field in FHIR status Should be one of in-progress, on-hold, completed, entered-in-error, stopped. If stop_reason in OMOP is not null, use stopped. Otherwise, look at the date range to decide if this is in-progress (within range) or completed (past) or on-hold (future). (based on current date).  
effective_drug_dose, dose_unit_concept_id, quantity Use concept table for unit. if effective_drug_dose is not available, use quantity column for the dosage.quantity.value in FHIR. In this case, we don’ t know the unit. Thus, this will contain only the quantity. dosage.quantity SimpleQuantity  
drug_exposure_start_date, drug_exposure_end_date effectiveTime[x], [x] =DateTime if end_date = null, [x] = Period otherwise      
Table: measurement and observation merged to view Note: We named the view as “f_observation_view” Resource: Observation Note  
observation_id We are joining two tables. And, IDs can be same. All IDs from observation table will be negated (‘-‘ prepended) in the view. Original tables do not need any modifications. id    
person_id person Table. subject • Person (REQUIRED in OMOP) Resource Reference  
observation_concept_id (measurement table – measurement_concept_id) concept table code Complex Data Type: CodeableConcept. Code will be overwritten for blood pressure as combined value.  
value_as_number, value_as_string (only for observation table), value_as_concept_id valueQuantity, valueString, valueCodeableConcept This is value[x]    
range_low, range_hight   referenceRange.low, referenceRange.high    
    status = FINAL Status is required field in FHIR. This is hard-coded. OMOP data are final.  
observation_date & observation_time, measurement_date & measurement_time   effectiveDateTime Effective[x]  
measurement_type_concept_id, observation_type_concept_id This is required column in OMOP v5 category CodeableConcept ( See ** for mapping of category to omop v5 type concept ID.  
visit_occurrence_id visit_occurrence table encounter Resource Reference  
Table: person Note Resource: Patient Note  
person_id   Id    
year_of_birth, month_of_birth, day_of_birth   birthDate    
location_id location table address Complex Data Type: Address  
gender_concept_id concept table gender OMOP gender concept needs to map to AdministrativeGender Enum  
family_name, given1_name, given2_name, prefix_name, suffix_name, preferred_language, ssn, maritalstatus_concept_id, active f_person table – This is one of custom tables to provide data elements that are not available in OMOP v5 family, given (list), maritalStatus, active    
    race_concept_id = Unknown (8552) FHIR person does not have race data element.  
Table: procedure_occurrence Note Resource: Procedure Note  
procedure_occurrence_id   id    
person_id person Table. subject Resource Reference  
procedure_concept_id concept table code Complex Data Type: CodeableConcept  
    status = IN_PROGRESS Hard-coded  
procedure_date   performedDateTime performed{x}  
Table: provider Note Resource: Practitioner Note  
provider_id   Id    
provider_name   name OMOP v5 has entire name in one field. There is no rule on format. So, we put entire name to text field.  
gender_concept_id   gender    
year_of_birth   birthDate Only year is available  
care_site_id   practitionerRole.managingOrganization    
specialty_concept_id concept table practitionerRole.specialty CodeableConcept    
Table: visit_occurrence Note Resource: Encounter Note  
visit_occurrence_id   id    
persion_id person table patient Resource Reference  
visit_concept_id concept table class    
visit_start_date & visit_start_time, visit_end_date & visit_end_time   period    
visit_type_concept_id 44818518 (Visit derived from EHR)      
care_site_id   serviceProvider (Organization) Resource Reference  
provider_id   participant.individual Resource Reference  
Table: device_exposure Note Resource: Device Note  
device_exposure_id   id    
person_id   patient Resource Reference  
device_concept_id   type CodeableConcept  
device_exposure_start_date This is not mappable. For CREATE from FHIR, this can be a problem.      
device_type_concept_id This is required, but not mapperable.      
unique_device_id   udi    
provider_id provider.care_site_id owner (Organization)    
quantity Is it possible to have multiple devices with the same UDI?   Device Resource does not have quantity information.  
visit_occurrence_id visit_occurrence.care_site _id if provider_id is not available. owner (Organization) Resource Reference  

Mapping Implementation in GT-FHIR v2

While v1 makes a direct mapping as shown on the table above, the v2 will use intermediate (or staging) tables/databases for FHIR to OMOP CDM mappings. This new approach serves two critical operational needs.

  1. Data Validation and Coding Transformations: For more in-depth data validations, the FHIR resources will be intially mapped to the intermediate data schema, which is designed to adapt FHIR and OMOP CDM. When a ETL procedure is executed, the data will be validated and transformed to appropriate concept data in OMOP CDM. This allows the data stored in OMOP CDM to be better ready for such as analytic applications.
  2. Pre-processing Clinical Data: When the OMOP tables are populated from the intermediate table, the other supplmental tables such as *_era tables are also populated.