The FHIR Project at Georgia Tech

GT-FHIR is a Georgia Tech Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) project to build a FHIR resource on Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM). It is built on top of Hapi Fhir reference implementation. Currently the objects model is built in conformance to Fhir spec DSTU2 - some features in DSTU1 are not supported.

The key component of GT-FHIR is a data access layer that has been modified to support any database schema. The component allows OMOP CDM to be deployed as a backend database. FHIR resources from/to OMOP CDM mapping is done at the gt-fhir-entities. However, as FHIR and OMOP CDM cannot be mapped one-to-one, some of data elements are set statically. Some mappings require multiple FHIR entity-jpa classes to support bidirectional mappings.

For more detail information about the mapping, visit Mapping Document.

We are constantly working on mapping new concepts and adding to new features. Pull requests are welcome! GT-FHIR consists of several sub-projects. Please see the following notes for what the base projects are. For more details on source codes, visit GT-FHIR Project Github.

SMART on FHIR: GT-FHIR is also equipped to support SMART on FHIR. GT-FHIR talks to Authorization server in SMART-on-FHIR Reference Implementation for launch ID resolution. You will need to install this reference implementation of SMART on FHIR and use the Authorization server part with GT-FHIR.

Deployment scripts are available in ansible. These scripts help you installing GT-FHIR and other components for a complete GT-FHIR platform.




Deployment and Infrastructure


  1. M. Choi, R. Starr, M. Braunstein, and J. Duke, “OHDSI on FHIR Platform Development with OMOP CDM mapping to FHIR Resources,” ODHSI 2016
  2. H. Su, A. Henderson, M. Choi, R. Starr, and J. Sun, “Clinical Predictive Modeling Development and Deployment with OMOP CDM and FHIR,” ODHSI 2015
  3. K. Mohammed, M. Choi, A. Henderson, S. Iyengar, M. Braunstein, and J. Sun, “Clinical Predictive Modeling Development and Deployment through FHIR Web Services,” AMIA 2015 r